Upgrade your skills, career and your team


Promotion vs Progression

[4-minute read] Is promotion the only way to measure our careers? In a culture where being promoted is the gold standard for progress. I want to explore a different perspective on how to progress your career long term by broadening your options outside of just focusing on that one promotion.

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What does your manager do all day?

[5-minute read] So what does your manager do all day? They say hi in the morning then disappear for hours at a time. They are seen dashing from one side of the office to the other. They are sending emails outside of hours and look busy all the time.  This article is focused on peeling back the curtain to give you some insights on what your manager is doing all day.  

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Judged in 30 seconds

[5-minute read] We often find ourselves introducing ourselves to new people. As much as we don’t like it, we are being judged in 30 seconds. Planning and delivering a high-quality elevator pitch can make a big difference to your meetings and ongoing relationships. In this article, I share my view on how to develop a great personal elevator pitch to help you kick off any encounter with the labels you deserve.

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